Customizing CDRs for SBC Calls and Test Calls

The SBC CDR Format table lets you customize CDRs for SBC calls and CDRs for Test Calls that are generated by the device for the following CDR types:

CDRs for SIP signaling or media sent in syslog messages. For CDRs sent in syslog messages, you can customize the name of the CDR field. You can configure up to 128 Syslog CDR customization rules.
CDRs for RADIUS accounting and sent in RADIUS accounting request messages. For RADIUS accounting CDRs, you can customize the RADIUS Attribute's prefix name and RADIUS Attribute's ID, for standard RADIUS Attributes and vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes (VSA). For example, instead of the default VSA name "h323-connect-time" with RADIUS Attribute ID 28, you can change the name to "Call-Connect-Time" with ID 29. You can configure up to 128 RADIUS-Accounting CDR customization rules (i.e., maximum number of RADIUS Attributes that the Device can include in the CDR). For more information on RADIUS accounting, see Configuring RADIUS Accounting.
CDRs stored locally on the device. For local storage of CDRs, you can customize the name of the CDR field. You can configure up to 64 locally-stored CDR customization rules. For more information on storing CDRs on the device, see Storing CDRs on the Device.
CDRs (signaling only) sent to the REST server in JSON format using the Device's REST API. You can configure up to 64 JSON CDR customization rules. For more information on CDRs and REST, see Configuring CDR Reporting to REST Server.

Customizing the CDR means the following:

Defining which CDR fields are included in the CDR. For example, if you configure only one customization rule for the syslog signaling (SBC) CDR type with the 'Call Duration' CDR field, the Device generates these CDR types with only this single CDR field.

You can also customize the CDR to include the following CDR fields whose value is obtained from the SIP message, using Message Manipulation rules with call variables that store the value. The Device adds the stored value to these special CDR fields when the CDR is generated:

User-defined CDR Fields: The device provides up to five user-defined CDR fields titled "Var Call User Defined <1-5>", which you can optionally include in the generated CDR. To obtain the values from the SIP message for these CDR fields, use the following call variable syntax in your Message Manipulation rules:

For an example, see CDR Customization using Call Variables Example.

Tenant ID CDR Field: You can customize the CDR to include the 'Tenant ID' CDR field, which is typically used by OVOC. To obtain the value from the SIP message for this CDR field, use the following call variable syntax in your Message Manipulation rule:

For more information on SIP Message Manipulation, see Configuring SIP Message Manipulation.

Changing the default name (title) of the CDR field. For example, you can change the title of the Call Duration CDR field to "Call Length".
Changing the RADIUS Attribute's prefix name and ID, for standard RADIUS Attributes and vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes (VSA).
If you don't customize the CDR, the Device generates the CDR in a default format (fields and titles). For a detailed description of the fields that can be included in the CDR (customized and default), see CDR Field Description.
To return to the default CDR format for a specific CDR type, remove all the customization rules of that CDR type.
When customizing the RADIUS CDR:
The following standard RADIUS Attributes cannot be customized: 1 through 6, 18 through 20, 22, 23, 27 through 29, 32, 34 through 39, 41, 44, 52, 53, 55, 60 through 85, 88, 90, and 91.
You must add the following RADIUS Attribute as the first rule in the SBC CDR Format table to ensure uniqueness (and to differentiate) between Call Connect (START) and Call End (STOP) RADIUS packets:

If the RTCP XR feature is unavailable (not licensed or disabled), the R-factor VoIP metrics are not provided in CDRs (CDR fields, Local R Factor and Remote R Factor) generated by the device. Instead, these CDR fields are sent with the value 127, meaning that information is unavailable.
Test Call CDRs include "CALL_START", "CALL_CONNECT" and "CALL_END" CDR Report Types.
By default, SBC signaling CDRs that are sent at the end of the call ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type) include only signaling-related CDR fields. However, by using the SBC CDR Format table, you can customize this CDR to also include media-related fields.
To view historical CDRs stored on the Devicesee Viewing CDR History of SBC and Test Calls.

The following procedure describes how to customize SBC and Test Call CDRs through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [SBCCDRFormat] or CLI (configure troubleshoot > cdr > cdr-format sbc-cdr-format).

To customize SBC and Test Call CDRs:
1. Open the SBC CDR Format table (Troubleshoot menu > Troubleshoot tab > Call Detail Record folder > SBC CDR Format).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

3. Configure the CDR according to the parameters described in the table below.
4. Click Apply.

Examples of configured CDR customization rules are shown below:

SBC CDR Format Table Parameter Descriptions





Defines an index number for the new table row.

Note: Each row must be configured with a unique index.

'CDR Type'



Defines the application type for which you want to customize CDRs.

[1] Syslog SBC = (Default) Customizes CDR fields for SIP signaling-related CDRs sent in syslog messages. However, for SBC signaling "CALL_END" CDR Report Types (sent at the end of the call), you can also customize the CDR to include media-related CDR fields (e.g., Local Packet Loss).
[3] Syslog Media = Customizes CDR fields for media-related CDRs sent in syslog messages.
[5] Local Storage SBC = Customizes CDR fields that are stored locally on the device. Only signaling-related CDRs are stored locally on the device. However, for SBC signaling "CALL_END" CDR Report Types (sent at the end of the call), you can also customize the CDR to include media-related CDR fields (e.g., Local Packet Loss).
[7] RADIUS SBC = Customizes CDR fields (i.e., RADIUS Attributes) for CDRs sent in RADIUS accounting request messages.
[11] JSON SBC = Customizes CDR fields for SIP signaling-related CDRs that are sent in JSON format to the REST server using the Device's REST API.

'Field Type'



Defines the CDR field (column) that you want to customize. The applicable CDR field depends on the settings of the 'CDR Type' parameter:

For all types: [300] CDR Type (default); [301] Call ID; [302] Session ID; [303] Report Type; [304] Media Type; [305] Accounting Status Type; [306] H323 ID; [307] RADIUS Call ID; [308] Blank; [309] Global Session ID; [310] Leg ID
Syslog SBC (signaling), Local Storage SBC, RADIUS SBC, and JSON SBC:

[400] Endpoint Type; [401] Call Orig; [402] Source IP; [403] Destination IP; [404] Remote IP; [405] Source Port; [406] Dest Port; [407] Remote Port; [408] Call Duration; [409] Termination Side; [410] Termination Reason; [411] Setup Time; [412] Connect Time; [413] Release Time; [414] Redirect Reason; [415] Was Call Started; [416] IP Group ID; [417] IP Group Name; [418] SRD ID; [419] SRD Name; [420] SIP Interface ID; [421] Transport Type; [422] Signaling IP DiffServ; [423] Termination Reason Category; [424] Proxy Set ID; [425] IP Profile ID; [426] IP Profile Name; [427] Media Realm ID; [428] Media Realm Name; [429] SIP Termination Reason; [430] SIP Termination Description; [431] Caller Display ID; [432] Callee Display ID; [433] SIP Interface Name; [434] Call Orig RADIUS; [435] Termination Side RADIUS; [436] Termination Side Yes No; [437] Termination Reason Value; [438] Proxy Set Name; [439] Trigger; [442] Call End Sequence Number; [443] Alerting Time; [445] SIP Local Tag; [446] SIP Remote Tag; [447] Call Success; [448] Var Call User Defined 1; [449] Var Call User Defined 2; [450] Var Call User Defined 3; [451] Var Call User Defined 4; [452] Var Call User Defined 5

Syslog Media, RADIUS SBC, Local Storage SBC, and Syslog SBC:

[600] Channel ID; [601] Coder Type; [602] Packet Interval; [603] Payload Type; [604] Local Input Packets; [605] Local Output Packets; [606] Local Input Octets; [607] Local Output Octets; [608] Local Packet Loss; [609] Local Round Trip Delay; [610] Local Jitter; [611] Local SSRC Sender; [612] Remote Input Packets; [613] Remote Output Packets; [614] Remote Input Octets; [615] Remote Output Octets; [616] Remote Packet Loss; [617] Remote Round Trip Delay; [618] Remote Jitter; [619] Remote SSRC Sender; [620] Local RTP IP; [621] Local RTP Port; [622] Remote RTP IP; [623] Remote RTP Port; [624] RTP IP DiffServ; [625] Local R Factor; [626] Remote R Factor; [627] Local MOS CQ; [628] Remote MOS CQ; [629] AMD Decision; [630] AMD Decision Probability; [631] Latched RTP IP; [632] Latched RTP Port; [633] Latched T38 IP; [634] Latched T38 Port; [635] Coder Transcoding

Note: For 'CDR Types' Syslog SBC, Local Storage SBC, and RADIUS SBC, the above media-related CDR fields are added only to "CALL_END" SBC signaling CDR report Types (which by default, include only signaling CDR fields).

Syslog SBC (signaling), Local Storage SBC, RADIUS SBC, and JSON SBC:

[800] Source URI; [801] Destination URI; [802] Source URI Before Manipulation; [803] Destination URI Before Manipulation; [804] Redirect URI; [805] Redirect URI Before Manipulation; [806] SIP Method; [807] Direct Media; [808] Source Username; [809] Destination Username; [810] Source Username Before Manipulation; [811] Destination Username Before Manipulation; [812] Source Host; [813] Destination Host; [814] Source Host Before Manipulation; [815] Destination Host Before Manipulation; [816] Source Dial Plan Tags; [817] Destination Dial Plan Tags; [818] Remote SIP User Agent; [819] Media List; [820] Voice AI Connector ID; [821] Voice AI Connector Name; [822] Is Recorded; [823] Tenant ID; [824] Released From IP.




Defines a new name for the CDR field (for Syslog or local storage) or for the RADIUS Attribute prefix name (for RADIUS accounting) that you selected in the 'Column Type' parameter.

The valid value is a string of up to 31 characters. You can also configure the name to be enclosed by quotation marks (single or double). For example, if you want the CDR field name to appear as 'Phone Duration', you must configure the parameter to 'Phone Duration'. You can also configure the CDR field name with an equals (=) sign, for example "call-connect-time=".


For VSA's that do not require a prefix name, leave the parameter undefined.
The parameter's value is case-sensitive. For example, if you want the CDR field name to be Phone-Duration, you must configure the parameter to "Phone-Duration" (i.e., uppercase "P" and "D").

'RADIUS Attribute Type'



Defines whether the RADIUS Attribute of the CDR field is a standard or vendor-specific attribute.

[0] Standard = (Default) For standard RADIUS Attributes.
[1] Vendor Specific = For vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes (VSA).

Note: The parameter is applicable only to RADIUS accounting (i.e., 'CDR Type' parameter configured to RADIUS SBC).

'RADIUS Attribute ID'



Defines an ID for the RADIUS Attribute. For VSAs, this represents the VSA ID; for standard Attributes, this represents the Attribute ID (first byte of the Attribute).

The valid value is 0 to 255 (one byte). The default is 0.


The parameter is applicable only to RADIUS accounting (i.e., 'CDR Type' parameter configured to RADIUS SBC).
For VSA's (i.e., 'RADIUS Attribute Type' parameter configured to Vendor Specific), the parameter must be configured to any value other than 0.
For standard RADIUS Attributes (i.e., 'RADIUS Attribute Type' parameter configured to Standard), the value must be a "known" RADIUS ID (per RFC for RADIUS). However, if you configure the ID to 0 (default) for any of the RADIUS Attributes (configured in the 'Column Type' parameter) listed below and then apply your rule (Click Apply), the device automatically replaces the value with the RADIUS Attribute's ID according to the RFC:
Destination Username: 30
Source Username: 31
Accounting Status Type: 40
Local Input Octets: 42
Local Output Octets: 43
Call Duration: 46
Local Input Packets: 47
Local Output Packets: 48

If you configure the value to 0 and the RADIUS Attribute is not any of the ones listed above, the configuration is invalid.